• Tag june

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag june :
  • The Gospels are the overflow of the infinite love of the Word Incarnate.  It inspired all their pages. (J. Chevalier, Méditations I, Preface, p. VI) How do I see the love of Christ depicted in the Gospels?  

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  • Those who wish to aim solely at personal sanctification could indeed be truly religious, but they would not be Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. (Fr. E. Meyer MSC, Analecta II, p. 487) What do I personally bring to our Chevalier Family,  which makes it truly Missionary of the...

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  • In Jesus' prayer to the Father for his own - "Father, may they be one as we are one" -  we see the goodness of his heart in their regard. (J. Chevalier, Méditations II, p.4) What does Jesus' prayer tell me about my own way of praying ?

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  • Devotion to the Sacred Heart will be the bond of union between our life of prayer and our apostolic work, between ourselves and others. (Constitutiones MSC, 1877) Contemplation... Action... How do I value these two dimensions  in my daily personal/communal life ? 

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  • Our personal union with Jesus is not just a simple union of resemblance and love. It is a mysterious and deep union of life. (J. Chevalier, Le Sacré-Coeur) What stirs in my heart, when I reflect upon my personal union with Jesus ? I may want to journal about this.

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  • For Fr. Chevalier the need not to be left alone, the need to have Christ with him, was vital to his whole idea of mission. (E.J. Cuskelly MSC, Jules Chevalier: Man with a Mission, p. 125) Me... Christ ... Others... What is my idea of mission ?

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  • The name grace is well chosen; it means gratuitous gift. The greater and more gratuitous the gift,  the greater the grace. (J. Chevalier, Le Sacré-Coeur, p. 284) Gratuitousness... As a member of the Chevalier Family, how do I witness this value in our economically globalized...

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  • The Heart of the divine Master is the centre where everything converges.  That is how I understand devotion to the Sacred Heart: it embraces everything; it is the answer to everything. (J. Chevalier, Letter to Fr. Ramière S.J., 9 December 1862) And myself...? How would I...

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  • From the piercing on the Cross onwards a spirituality of the heart has always looked to the future and has had invincible trust in that future.  (J.F. Lescrauwaet MSC, Triptych, p. 27) A Spirituality of the Heart... The future... What do I see? 

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  • The missionaries will learn more at the foot of the cross than from many books. (Règles MSC, 1855, Ms.) Am I able to remain at the foot of the cross  when I encounter it during my day?

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