• The Gospels are the overflow
    of the infinite love of the Word Incarnate.
     It inspired all their pages.
    (J. Chevalier, Méditations I, Preface, p. VI)


    How do I see the love of Christ depicted in the Gospels?

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  • Those who wish to aim solely at personal sanctification
    could indeed be truly religious,
    but they would not be Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.

    (Fr. E. Meyer MSC, Analecta II, p. 487)


    What do I personally bring to our Chevalier Family, 
    which makes it truly Missionary of the Sacred Heart ? 

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  • In Jesus' prayer to the Father for his own
    - "Father, may they be one as we are one" -
     we see the goodness of his heart in their regard.
    (J. Chevalier, Méditations II, p.4)


    What does Jesus' prayer tell me about my own way of praying ?

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  • Devotion to the Sacred Heart will be the bond of union
    between our life of prayer and our apostolic work,
    between ourselves and others.
    (Constitutiones MSC, 1877)


    Contemplation... Action...
    How do I value these two dimensions 
    in my daily personal/communal life ? 

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  • Our personal union with Jesus
    is not just a simple union of resemblance and love.
    It is a mysterious and deep union of life.
    (J. Chevalier, Le Sacré-Coeur)


    What stirs in my heart,
    when I reflect upon my personal union with Jesus ?
    I may want to journal about this.

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